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Saturday, March 8, 2014

Trends on gadget get better everyday

Do you think gadgets are useful? What do you usually use them for? Nowadays ranging from kids on their early age to adults use gadgets in their daily activities in their lives. Gadgets are small electronic device that could be used to help you with your daily routines and activities. Teenagers and young adults these days couldn’t let their smartphones/androids away from them for even just seconds. It’s like their lives has depend on them so...

Friday, March 7, 2014

Asiknya Jual-Beli Online!

Jual Beli Online kian marak di internet, mulai dari kebutuhan sehari-hari yang bersifat sekunder hingga primer, terlebih lagi tidak sedikit orang-orang menjual dan membeli berbagai jenis makanan melalui internet baik usaha perorangan maupun kelompok tertentu. Banyak sekali keuntungan dan kemudahan dalam melalukan jual beli melalui media internet ini, baik untuk para penjual maupun para pembeli. Para penjual atau produsen cukup hanya membuat website,...

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Internet today and the future

Hey all, i will talk about the 'Internet' today. Check it out!! In today’s technology, who doesn’t know the Internet? You could browse and search for a lot of things you don’t know yet using search engines through it. It is also a global media for a lot of uses such as information, communication, educations and even for recreational use. The use of the Internet itself nowadays doesn’t necessarily need to be done through computers; they could...